Vu Hong Thang1, Nguyen Quang Bac2
1 Hai Phong International Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecoplogy
2 National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Main Article Content


Objectives: To describe the clinical, para-clinical characteristics and analyze pregnancy management
results in preeclamptic patients.
Methodology: A retrospective descriptive study was conducted from January 2019 to December
2021 on 316 patients diagnosed with preeclampsia, severe preeclampsia and eclampsia at the National
Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Results: Mild preeclampsia and severe preeclampsia were most common in maternal age from 20-34
years old (62.97%), mainly in the group of late preterm birth with gestational age from 33-36 weeks
(44.7% and 48.0%, respectively). Hypertension and edema were recorded in the majority of patients.
Patients with positive proteinuria were 94.3%, 10.4% of patients with serum urea > 6.6 mmol/l; 7.6%
of all had serum creatinine > 106 µmol/l; 51.6% had uric acid > 400 µmol/l; 16.5% had GOT/GPT
> 70 IU/l. Pregnant women with platelets <100 G/L accounted for 10.4%, decreased blood protein
<60 g/l was 38%, albumin concentration < 25 g/l was 23.4%. Termination of pregnancy was mainly
by cesarean section (95.4%). Maternal complications were found in 146 out of 295, 186 out of 295
neonates with Apgar 1 minute <7 points (63.1%). Termination of pregnancy by induction of labor
was recorded in 7 out of 21 cases with maternal complications, 11/21 neonatal cases with Apgar < 7
points (52.4%).
Conclusion: Preeclampsia occurred mainly in the gestational age group of 33 to 36 weeks.
Complications for the mother and fetus were severe.

Article Details


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