Dang Bich Nguyet1, Nguyen Tien Long1, Bui Van Lenh 1, Nguyen Quang Trung1
1 Hanoi Medical University Hospital

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The retrospective study was performed on 45 patients with subacromial impingement syndrome who underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which then were compared with the results of their arthroscopy.

Results: 95.2% out of the cases were found to have type II and III acromion morphology; 73.8% had subacromial enthesophyte spurs; 66.7% had subacromial bursitis; 97.6% showed lesions of supraspinatus tendons in which partial–thickness rotator cuff tear was the most commonly seen. MRI showed a sensitivity (Sn) of 91.6%, specificity (Sp) of 72.2%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 81.4%, negative predictive value (NPV) of 86.67% in diagnosing subacromial bursitis. For partial-thickness rotator cuff tear, it showed a Sn of 92.5%, Sp of 93.3%, PPV of 96.1%, NPV of 87.5%. In evaluation of full-thickness rotator cuff tear, MRI showed a Sn of 100% and Sp of 100%.

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