Determination of Thickness Sonde Length by “Nose – Ear - Umbilicus” Technque in Children under 3 Years Old

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Objective: To determine the exact location of the gastric tube was inserted with the "nose-ear-mid-umbilicus" method and some related factors in children under 3 years old at Viet Nam National Hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed on 169 children under 3 years old in the Department of Diagnostic Imaging and indicated to place the gastric tube to take an X-ray of the stomach and esophagus. Results: The percentage of sonde reaching the target position which is between  cardia and pyloric stomach is  97%. There is a difference between the measured lengths between the body markers and the sonde length used. The accuracy of the method depends on where the technique is indicated, the length of the gastric tube, and the age of the child. Conclusion: Estimating the length of gastric tube in children under 3 years old using the measurement method “nose-ear-mid-umbilicus” through the bright screen of the technique of gastroesophageal X-ray technique had the high exact rate. More evaluation studies with larger sample sizes are needed to make recommendations and how to determine the appropriate length.

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