Đặng Minh Trí Bùi, Văn Mãi Đỗ, Thị Như Huỳnh Nguyễn, Thu Hằng Phạm

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Objectives: To investigate the current situation of using drugs to treat gastroenteritis of outpatients at the gastrointestinal department of Vinh Long General Hospital. Subjects and methods: Study of retrospective cross- sectional description on 310 medical records of patients over 18 years old diagnosed with gastroenteritis, outpatient treatment at the internal department, Vinh Long General Hospital from November 2019 to July 2020. Results: Patients using PPI drugs in gastroenteritis accounted for 95.16%, of which Esomeprazole was used the most 38.39%, rabeprazole accounted for 31.94%, lansoprazole accounted for 11.94%, pantoprazole 3.87%. Most of the patients were used in combination with supportive drug treatment. The group of antiemetic drugs, reduce flatulence used with a high rate of 59.68%, the group of mucosal protection drugs accounted for 54.84%. The most common side effects were mild, with 9.35%. Conclusion: Patients using PPI drugs in gastroenteritis accounted for 95.16%, rarely encounter drug interactions and side effects.

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