Hữu Lợi Nguyễn, Văn Vinh Ngô

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Multi-substance use can cause severe psychosis, leading to violations of the law. Purposes: To describe clinical features of psychosis in multi-subtance use in forensic psychiatry. Objects and research methods: Retrospective 52 examination records of criminal offenders solicited by procedural authorities at the Central Institute for Forensic Psychiatry, were diagnosed by the cxamination council using multi-substance in 2017 and 2018. Result: The study subjects are mainly male (94,2%), the average age is 34,94 ± 7,05, unstable occupation (50%) or unemployed (38,5%), low level of education (100%). 34,6% have delusions, 44,2% have hallucinations. Persecutory delusion was the most frequent delusion (66,7%), followed by delusion of being followed (22,2%); conversational hallucination is most encountered (56,7%); followed by the command hallucination (26,1%).

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