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This study was conducted to evaluate the results of interventions to increase practice of prenatal, intranatal and postnatal care to Khmer mothers with children aged 0-2 years in Hoa Binh District, Bac Lieu Province, from October 2018 to October 2019. By using Quasi Experimental Study on community intervention, pre-and post-control assessment with a control group. The intervention area was 2 communes (Vinh Hau and Vinh Thinh) in Hoa Binh district and the control area was 2 communes (Long Dien and Long Dien Dong) in Dong Hai district. 1386 mothers have participated in interviews. The mother’s practicing pre/intra/postnatal care indicators were compared by the rates before and after the intervention to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. Intervention activities including: training health workers, broadcasting on loudspeaker, hanging signs, distributing leaflets, flipbooks, health workers counseling and group communication for mothers about prenatal, intranatal and postnatal care; using Khmer language in communication materials. As results: all 16 indicators of practice of pre/intra/postnatal care of Khmer mothers after intervention increased compared to before the intervention (p<0.001) (in the intervention area) in the range of 7.4%- 48.4% and increased compared with after the intervention (in control area) about 1.2%- 45.4%. Recommendation: It is necessary to maintain intervention activities and expand the application to the areas where Khmer ethnic groups live and coastal area.

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