Bá Hải Phan, Văn Toàn Ngô

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Objective: Describing clinical feature, Xray and MRI imaging, and risk factors on avascular necrossis (AVN) of femoral head Patients and method: studied prospectively 120 AVN patients were diagnosed and operated at Vieduc University Hospital Results: Averave age 47,7 ± 10. Male: Female 11:1. Bilateral AVN of the hip patients are 83,33%. Average time between bilateral AVN of the hip is 6,5 months. Risk factors are alcohol (87,5%) and smoking abuse (58,3%). Xray imaging group normaly in lately stage: cresent sign, collapsed. MRI can detech AVN in early stage (I, II) 44,27% patients Conclusion: AVN is a progressive disease, especially in younger patient. Risk factors is alcohol and smoking abuse. Xray and MRI imaging are valuable for avascular necrossis of femoral head diagnosis

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