Quan Thanh Nam1, Nghiem Duc Thuan1, Vu Minh Thuc2, Nguyen Thi Hoa3
1 Military Hospial 103
2 Otorhinorarynology Hospital of Vietnam
3 Political Academy

Main Article Content


Objective: To determine the current situation in allergic rhinitis (AR) caused by cotton dust allergen
in workers at X20 Garment Company- General Department of Defense Industry.
Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study from August 2015 to August 2016.
Results: The rate of AR due to cotton dust allergen is 13.9%; the majority of women (78.4%); 73.1%
of patients had a personal history of allergies; mean age 11.86 ± 5.54.); The risk of AR of direct
workers is 2.03 times higher than that of indirect workers. The functional symptoms are mainly
at moderate and mild levels, especially severe and moderate sneezing symptoms account for the
highest (43.8% and 42.7%); most patients have moderate (42.7%) and mild (44.9%) nasal mucosal
lesions; patients with hypertrophy inferior turbinate were mainly mild (50.6%), no patient had severe
hypertrophy. None of the patients had negative skin prick test results; the percentage of patients
with positive skin prick test results 2(+) and 3(+) accounted for the majority, 41.6% and 32.6%
Conclusion: AR caused by cotton dust allergen has all the characteristics of AR in general; the rate
of AR by cotton dust allergen is 13.9%; The group of direct workers has a much higher rate of AR
than the group of indirect workers; the symptoms, skin test of patients with AR caused by cotton dust
allergen are mainly mild and moderate.

Article Details


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