Nguyen Xuan Kien1, Hoang Thi Truong1, Le Dinh Thanh2, Nguyen Van Chuyen1, Chu Duc Tien1, Tran Quang Hung3
1 Vietnam Military Medical University
2 Thong Nhat Hospital
3 Southern military Institute of preventive midicine

Main Article Content


Objective: To describe the common cardiovascular disease status of the elderly and some risks
factors in Hanoi in 2022.
Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study in the community. Research subjects are
the elderly with cardiovascular diseases living in 5 wards of Dong Da district, Hanoi, from 4/2022-
Results: The rate of cardiovascular diseases in the elderly was 59,2%, in which hypertension was the
most common disease, with the rate of 59%, followed by stroke and ischemic heart disease (9,4% and
9,2%); other diseases had a smaller rate (<4%), these diseases tended to increase gradually with age.
However, only 41,1% ofthe elderly with cardiovascular disease have been receiving treatment and
30.5% have been instructed to change their lifestyle. In addition, when considering the factors related
to cardiovascular diseases in the elderly in Hanoi, hypertension and dyslipidemia were the most
common risk factors, with a ratio of 98,7% and 77,8% of the elderly with cardiovascular diseases,
Conclusion: The study has shown that it is necessary to strengthen medical examinations and
treatments for the elderly and propaganda, raise awareness about cardiovascular diseases, and control
risk factors for the elderly.

Article Details


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