Vu Thi Thu Trang1, Tran Phuong Thanh1, Pham Thi Thuy1
1 Hung Yen hospital of Obstetrics and Pediatrics

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Research 75 casese of in vitro fertilitiza were first performed at ObGYN and Pediatrict Hung
Yen Hospital.
Objective: Indications of IVF and evaluate initial results of IVF cases. Method: discribtive
Results and discussion: Fertilization rate was 81,05 ± 23,01%, the average number of
fertilizatedoocyte was 8,3 ±4,8; The average number of embyros was 6,7 ± 4,7; The rate of
Embryos transferred was 25,4%, The rate of Embryos Frozen transferred was 74,6 %, Pregnancy
rate was 48,7%, Clinical pregnancy rate was 36,9%, 25 babies was born.

Article Details


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