Phan huu Vinh1, Tran Thi Kieu Oanh2, Nguyen Duc Manh2, Bui Thi Yen2, Doan Thi Trang2, Dang Cong Son3, Le Minh Dat4
1 Training Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
2 Training Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health - Hanoi Medical University
3 Department of Psychology - Yale University
4 Vietnam Public Health Association

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Aim: Describe the learning style of students at Hanoi Medical University in 2022; Describe some
factors affecting the learning style of students at Hanoi Medical University in 2022.
Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study on students from the first to the sixth
year of Hanoi Medical University.
Results: Among 330 students, 57.6% had unimodal PCOS (of which 24.6% was visual, 21.5% was
auditory and 11.5% was motor) . In terms of multimodal PCH (42.4%), the combination of vision and
hearing accounts for the highest proportion (13.9%). In the student’s personality, both introverted
and extroverted personalities (43.3%) prevailed. Students with good academic performance have
3.74 times higher rate of multimodal problem solving (95% CI: 1.28-10.91) than the group with
good academic performance. This number in the weak group is 6.06 times (95%CI: 1.22-29.99).
There is a strong correlation between personality and the choice of more or less learning styles. The
introvert-only personality has a higher ratio of multimodal learning styles than the extrovert-only
group, ranging from 0.32-0.98 with p=0.041.
Conclusion: Students with single-modal learning style account for a higher percentage than multimodality. Correlation was found between learning style and personality, learning style and academic

Article Details


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