Le Thi Diem Trinh1, Ta Thi Thanh Huyền1, Huynh Ngoc Hon2, Nguyen Tri Dung2, Nguyen Manh Tuan2
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh
2 Trung Vuong Hospital

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Introduction: Hepatitis B is the second leading cause of cancer after tobacco and the third leading cause of death from infectious diseases. The possibility of hepatitis B virus infection is 50 to 100 times higher than HIV, causing death in people with the disease due to complications of cirrhosis and liver cancer. Although Vietnam currently has a vaccine to prevent hepatitis B virus, people with chronic infection need lifelong treatment, which costs a lot of money and time. Therefore, providing people with correct knowledge and benefits on how to prevent hepatitis B virus infection is necessary to prevent the spread to the community.

Objectives: Determining the rate of knowledge to prevent hepatitis B virus infection in humans among Southern Khmer people in Tra Cu Dist, Tra Vinh province in 2021.

Subjects and methods: With a cross-sectional descriptive research design, 420 Southern Khmer people aged 18 - 60 years were selected using the population size sampling (PPS) method. The study used a set of prepared questions for direct interviews to evaluate the research subjects' knowledge of preventing hepatitis B virus infection.

Results: People with correct general knowledge account for 20,0%. The association between general knowledge and factors including age group 40 years and older, primary school education or higher, family with sufficient income.

Conclusion: The rate of knowledge to prevent hepatitis B virus infection among Southern Khmer people aged 18 - 60 years old in Tra Cu Dist, Tra Vinh province after the current study is still low, it is necessary to strengthen communication work. Health education to improve people's knowledge about hepatitis B virus infection prevention.

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