Tran Minh Thai1, Tang Chi Thuong1, Do Mai Hoa2, Nguyen Quynh Truc3
1 Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health
2 University of Public Health
3 Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine

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Thu Duc Dist Hospital began implementing the pilot model of a satellite polyclinic in Binh Chieu ward since 2016, which is the first satellite polyclinic in the country located at a medical station.

Objectives: Evaluate the suitability and maintainability of the satellite polyclinic model of Thu Duc Dist Hospital at Binh Chieu Ward Medical Station.

Methods: Research and implementation combining quantitative, qualitative, and retrospective methods of secondary data from 2018 to 2019.

Results: This model is suitable for the practical context in Ho Chi Minh City. Regarding examination and treatment: Simple procedures, remote examination and consultation with Thu Duc Dist Hospital. Regarding paraclinical: The clinic deploys basic techniques, with advanced techniques, arranges a medical examination room to take samples and send them to the hospital, returning test results via the software system. Facilities: Thu Duc Dist Hospital has invested in more equipment to serve patients. Number of patients: Starting from about 50 patients to 100, more than 200 patients/day. Transfer: A number of other Dists in Ho Chi Minh City are learning and implementing, currently there are Dist 2, Tan Phu Dist, Binh Thanh Dist, Dist 7 which have learned and applied and started implementing this model.

Conclusion: The medical examination and treatment model of Thu Duc Dist Hospital located at Binh Chieu ward medical station is the first medical examination and treatment model in the country, so it is meaningful in shaping the pilot model of clinics close to the people, aiming to serve and take care of people's health, while solving the overload of large hospitals, especially hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City. This is also the first and only study on the PKDKVT model, so it greatly contributes to providing information to help leaders, policy makers, and medical experts develop directions for this model. This study has focused on the management and analysis of tasks of relevant parties, from which the research results are the foundation to propose measures to build, strengthen, maintain and develop the model. satellite polyclinic in the future.

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