Pham Nhat Sinh1, Tran Thi Kieu Anh2
1 Vinh city General Hospital
2 Vinh University of Medicine

Main Article Content


Objectives: Describe the current situation and identify some factors related to patient safety culture of medical staff at Vinh city General Hospital in 2024.

Subjects and methods: Combining quantitative research on 552 medical staff and qualitative research on 10 leaders and staff at Vinh city General Hospital from January 2024 to June 2024.

Results: Areas of strength in internal hygiene at the hospital: support from hospital leaders (97.2%); continuous learning and improvement (96.6%); teamwork between departments/departments (95.6%). Areas that need to focus on improvement: openness in information about errors (79.5%); human resources (79.0%); incident reporting frequency (77.4%). A number of relevant factors were identified such as: general characteristics of health workers such as title, professional work area, seniority, training on internal safety, weekly working hours, on-duty time; system and management factors; factors belonging to the attitudes and skills of health workers; work environment; factors belonging to the patient.

Conclusion: The positive response rate of patient safety culture of healthcare staff at the hospital was good 89.1%. A number of related factors were identified that belong to medical staff, hospitals and patients.

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