Hoang Dinh Canh1, Tran Hong Tram2, Cao Ba Loi1
1 National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology
2 National Institute for Control of Vaccines and Biologicals

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Objectives: Treatment outcomes of pediatric patients with pertussis treated at the Vietnam National
Children's Hospital

Methods: The study was designed using uncontrolled intervention research method.

Results: The study was conducted on 382 pediatric patients aged < 16 years old diagnosed with
pertussis at the National Children's Hospital from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020, 95.5%
(365/382) of the children were prescribed macrolide antibiotics at the hospital. The percentage of
children with severe pertussis using macrolide antibiotics was 92.2%. 12.3% (47/382) of the children
had to be admitted to the Resuscitation Unit with the average stay of 10 days (1 day as the shortest
duration, and 60 days as the longest duration). 44.5% (170/382) of the children needed oxygen
therapy, 9.2% (35/382) needed mechanical ventilation, 4.5% (17/382) used IVIG; 0.8% (3/382)
required ECMO, and 0.5% (2/382) required dialysis. After 25.8 ± 10.5 days, the real-time PCR of
pertussis patients turned to negative. 92.9% of the patients were cured with the average hospital stay
of 12.95 ± 10.47 days. The children with severe pertussis had a longer hospital stay than others (15
days vs. 8 days). The mortality rate was 1.6%.

Conclusions: The macrolide antibiotics was still highly effective in the treatment of neonatal
pertussis with the cure rate of 92.9%.

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