Le Ngoc Huy1, Nguyen Binh Hoa1, Le Minh Giang2, Nguyen Huy Binh2, Dinh Van Luong1
1 National Lung Hospital
2 Hanoi Medical University

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Introduction: This study aims to explore the prevalence of depression among drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) patients in Vietnam. A total of 250 patients were sampled, utilizing the PHQ- 9 questionnaire to assess levels of depression, along with gathering personal characteristics including age, geographical location, occupation, and treatment frequency.

Methods: This quantitative study employed questionnaires and descriptive statistical analysis to identify depression levels and related factors.

Results: Findings indicate that 34.4% of patients did not experience depression, whereas 36.8% suffered from mild depression and 14% from moderate depression. A significantly increased level of depression was observed in individuals who had a history of forgetting to take their TB medication (OR = 0.5; p = 0.032) and in the low-performing knowledge group with a high rate of depression (70.2%).

Discussion: The research underscores the importance of screening and intervening for depression among drug-resistant TB patients, especially those with a history of non-compliance with treatment. Enhancing psychological support and timely intervention can improve the quality of life and treatment outcomes for TB patients.

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