Tran Nhu My1, Nguyen Ngoc Thao Ly1, Le Thi Ha1
1 Thong Nhat general Hospital of Dong Nai province

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Background: Lumbar disc herniation is a common disease that causes chronic low back pain and greatly affects the patient’s quality of life if not treated properly. Surgery is indicated when patients with lumbar disc herniation do not respond to medical treatment; severe pain and muscle spasms affecting normal functional activities. This is a common cause of loss of work productivity and reduced quality of life in patients with lumbar disc herniation.

Objective: To assess the level of improvement in quality of life and related factors of patients with disc herniation after surgery at Thong Nhat Dong Nai General Hospital in 2023.

Research method: Following up 67 patients with lumbar disc herniation hospitalized for inpatient treatment at the Department of Neurosurgery, Thong Nhat Dong Nai General Hospital, who meet the sampling criteria will be included and continue in research. Patients will be monitored, collected information and interviewed using the SF-36 questionnaire at two time points (T1: before surgery and T2: one month after surgery).

Research results: Average difference in quality of life scores of patients after surgery: physical health score increased by 9.3 points, mental health score increased by 2.7 points, quality of life score increased by 6 points ,25 points. Patients with disease for less than 5 years are 3.56 times more likely than patients with disease for ≥ 5 years. The difference is statistically significant with p<0.05 and 95% CI is (1.6-7.8). Patients with preoperative time less than 2 weeks were 2.2 times more likely than patients with preoperative time ≥ 2 weeks. The difference is statistically significant with p<0.05 and 95% CI is (1.2-3.9). Patients with a hospital stay of less than 2 weeks were 1.43 times more likely than patients with a hospital stay of ≥ 2 weeks.

The difference was statistically significant with p<0.05 and 95% CI was (1-2).

Conclusion: Rate of improvement in patient’s quality of life after surgery: improved physical health: 73.13%, improved mental health: 29.85%, improved quality of life: 65 ,sixty seven%. Patients with disease for less than 5 years improved 3.56 times, patients with preoperative time less than 2 weeks improved 2.2 times, patients with hospital stay less than 2 weeks improved 1.43 times.

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