Nguyen Huu Toi1, Vi Quynh Hoa1, Luong Tuan Anh1, Do Quang Tuyen2
1 Viet Duc Hospital
2 Thang Long University

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Objective: Describe the knowledge and attitudes about blood donation of volunteers at the Blood Transfusion Center of Viet Duc Hospital in 2023; Analyze some factors related to blood donation by volunteers.

Subject and method: Cross-sectional descriptive study combined with qualitative on 406 subjects who were voluntary blood donors at the blood transfusion center of Viet Duc Hospital from January 2023 to October 2023.

Results: 27.3% of study subjects had satisfactory knowledge about voluntary blood donation. 80.3% of study subjects had a positive attitude towards voluntary blood donation. There was a statistically significant difference between the study subjects’ knowledge of voluntary blood donation and unsatisfactory knowledge of voluntary blood donation based on personal factors considered such as age, education level, and places. People who have ever volunteered to donate blood had 3.2 times more correct knowledge about blood donation than the others. The higher the number of voluntary blood donations, the higher the positive attitude score about voluntary blood donation. People with positive attitudes about voluntary blood donation had 5.8 times higher knowledge scores of voluntary blood donation than the others.

Conclusion: Research subjects’ knowledge about voluntary blood donation was not good, their attitude towards voluntary blood donation was very positive; Age, education level, number of blood donations were factors related to knowledge and attitude of voluntary blood donation.

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