Le Minh Dat1, Hoang Khanh Linh1, Nguyen Huu Duc Anh1, Le Thi1, Le Minh Khanh2, Tran Ha Dong1, Pham Ngoc Tram3, Nguyen Thuy Trang1, Bui Truc Loan4, Nguyen Thi Thu Thao1, Vu Thi Thanh Thao1, Do Viet Hai Nam1, Le Xuan Hung1
1 Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Hanoi Medical University
2 Vietnam Institute of Applied Medicine
3 Hanoi Center for Disease Control and Prevention
4 Huu Nghi Hospital

Main Article Content


Objectives: To describe the current state of physical activity of students at Hanoi Medical University
during and after social distancing, and analyze several related factors.
Methods: A cross-sectional study on 492 students of Hanoi Medical University used the GPAQ
questionnaire. Classification of physical activity based on MET-minutes/week and according to
WHO recommendations. Used forest plots to analyze some related factors
Results: 35.6% of students met WHO’s recommendation for physical activity during social distancing
and 57.5% of students met WHO’s recommendation during post-social distancing. Gender and
school year were related to sexual activity during the time of separation. Gender and learning forms
are related to sexual activity after the time gap
Conclusion: There is a difference in the level of mental activity of students at Hanoi Medical
University during and after the period of social distancing. Students need measures to enhance
extracurricular activities combined with physical activity such as sports clubs.

Article Details


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