Hoang Thi My Hanh1, Vu Thi Minh Hanh1, Vu Thi Mai Anh1, Nguyen Xuan Chien2, Vu Van Hoan1, Dang Le Tri1, Tran Thi Hong Cam1, Nguyen Tuan Hung2
1 Health Strategy and Policy Institute
2 Department for Organization and Manpower, MoH

Main Article Content


Introduction: Provincial Centers for disease control (CDCs), public health facilities, have been
formed based on merging provincial centers in preventive medicine areas since 2017. Staffing norms
and the structure of the CDCs has not beenregulated.
Objective: To describe the situation of human resources, organization and structure of CDCs in
Methods: Cross-sectional study, quantitative information was obtained from the statistical form
provided by 54 CDCs.
Results: Out of 54 CDCs, 64.8% have 12 or more technical divisions and 85.0% have enough
three administrative units; 98.2% met the norm 65.0% of staff working in medical and non-medical
specialties positions; 16.4% have the proportion of doctor/preventive doctor ≥ 30%
Conclusions: The number of people working in CDCs having been merged from 5 or more centers
was proportional to the size of the province’s population. The study provides practical evidence on
CDC’s human resources and its structure to propose appropriate staffing norms proportional to the
provinces’ population size and structure of CDCs.

Article Details


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