Minh Thu Bùi, Văn Dũng Đào, Thế Nghĩa Bùi

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Objectives: To describe the current situation of health human resources and medical examination and treatment activities of the Central Endocrine Hospital 2015-2020. Research methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive study combining quantitative research methods (secondary data) and qualitative research (in-depth interviews) with 21 employees working at the Central Endocrine Hospital Results: The ratio of medical staff / hospital beds of the hospital is currently 0.95 lacking compared to the regulations # 08; Administrative and managents staff at the time of the study accounted for 23.24% higher than the prescribed rate; The ratio of doctors / other professional titles (nurses, technicians) is 1 / 2.2, lower than the regulation; The ratio of university pharmacists / doctor is 1/10, meeting the standards; The ratio of university pharmacists / secondary pharmacists is 1 / 1.7, lower than prescribed; The rate of female staff is 65.0% higher than that of men, 35%. The number of medical services, inpatient treatments and surgery all tend to increase from 2015 to 2019. Conclusion: The people’s need for medical examination and treatment is increasing, leading to the increasing workload, the hospital is overloaded. Hospitals need to develop a plan to supplement human resources to suit the scale and structure to better serve the health care activities of the people.

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