Doan Thi Thanh Huong1, Do Thi Roan1,2, Le Thi Kim Xuyen1, Phan Xuan Doc1, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien1, Le Thi Hue1, Luu Minh Duc1, Le Thi Viet Ha3, Nguyen Thi Khue1
1 Institute of Biotechnology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
2 Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
3 Viet Nam University Of Traditional Medicine & Pharmacy

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Objective: This study aims to develop a multiplex-PCR method to simultaneously diagnose and differentiate the two species, Heterakis gallinarum and Histomonas meleagridis, coexisting in the intestines of chickens.
Method: Intestinal and cecal tissue samples were processed to extract total DNA, and species-specific primer pairs were designed based on the 18S ribosomal gene sequences. Based on this, a multiplex-PCR method was developed and tested for the simultaneous diagnosis and detection of the two species, Heterakis gallinarum and Histomonas meleagridis.
Results: Both primer pairs used in the reaction were designed to amplify the 18S ribosomal gene region. Specifically, the HGF-HGR primer pair generated a PCR product of 712 bp, which is specific to H. gallinarum, while the HMF-HMR primer pair produced a 331 bp PCR product, specific to H. meleagridis. The results of the multiplex-PCR method demonstrated the ability to simultaneously detect both H. gallinarum and H. meleagridis. Clinical samples with a total DNA concentration of 0.78 ng or higher yielded high-quality PCR results.
Conclusion: The HMF-HMR primer pair was specifically designed for H. meleagridis, while the HGF-HGR primer pair was specific to H. gallinarum. Multiplex-PCR tests conducted on single templates, mixed templates, or DNA templates from other nematode species showed no non-specific primer binding reactions.

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