Dang Le Minh Khang1, Nguyen Dong Phuong Nhu1, Nguyen Do Dong Quan1, Nguyen Vuong Kim Ngan1, Bui Le Hai1, Tran Hong Nguyen1, Ho Ngoc Loi1
1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City

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Objective: To assess the improvement in the competencies of medical students after participating in Self-Directed Learning (SDL) activities.

Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 224 second-year medical students who participated in SDL activities.

Results: The average results of the group participating in the sessions were significantly higher in 6 out of 9 skill stations compared to the group of students who did not participate in the sessions.

Conclusion: The initial results of SDL activities demonstrate effectiveness in outcome competencies in some skills. Scaling up the SDL model for other student cohorts to improve competency in required skills should be implemented and evaluated in future studies.

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