Le Thanh Chien1, Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan2, Phi Vinh Bao1, Le Thi Ngoc1
1 Nguyen Tat Thanh University
2 Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health

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Objectives: Describe the management results of electronic prescriptions and some influencing factors at some hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City, in 2023.

Research subjects and methods: A cross-sectional research design, combining quantitative and qualitative, was conducted on 363 doctors at 6 hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City from February 2023 to October 2023.

Research results: The rate of doctors who exclusively prescribed electronic drugs was 32.8%, that who used both electronic and paper prescriptions was 52.1%, and those who did not use electronic prescriptions was 15.1%. The most popular software used for electronic prescriptions was FPT.eHospital at 50.1%, Onemes at 22.9%, Medisoft at 15.1%, and Viettel HIS at 11.9%. The rate of doctors self-assessing their knowledge and skills in using computers was 52.9%, paper prescriptions were prone to errors at 39.4%, no wrong medication was entered at 78.8%, using the electronic prescription system helps reduce medical examination and treatment costs at 51.2%, the electronic prescription system helps save time and reduce errors 64.1%, the electronic prescription system was safe 61.4%. Some factors affecting electronic prescription include Doctors' skills in using computers and prescription software; Ensuring system continuity when there are power and internet problems; Electronic prescription software still lacking paraclinical functions and slow data.

Conclusion: The management results of electronic drug prescriptions showed that the rate of doctors prescribing completely electronic drugs was still low (32.8%), FPT.eHospital being the most popular software (50.1%). Although electronic prescriptions were highly valued for their effectiveness and safety, user skills and system stability challenges remained.

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