Le Thanh Chien1, Bui Thanh Toan2, Ho Huynh Uy Tai2, Nguyen Thanh Binh3, Luong Cong Minh2, Nguyen Van Tap1
1 Nguyen Tat Thanh University
2 Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital
3 Tra Vinh University

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Objectives: Describe patient management results regarding inpatient treatment experience and some influencing factors at Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital.

Research methods: Descriptive cross-sectional, combined with quantitative and quantification. Research subjects: 400 inpatients at Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital.

Research results: The satisfaction rate about the hospitalization experience was 89.8%; experience during hospital stay was 76.8%; Hospital fee payment experience is 97.3%; The pre-discharge experience was 99.0% and the overall experience rate was 74.0%. However, there are still some factors that need to be improved such as degraded facilities, attitude of medical staff, wifi facilities, parking lot.

Conclusion: Hospital needs develop plans to improve inpatient treatment like a reduce waiting times for discharge, quality of toilets, parking facilities and attitude of administrative staff. Besides, Hospital maintain stability, promote, and further promote the strengths of unit.

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