Tran Thi Anh Thu1, Phan Thi Truc Thuy2, Che Thi Thuy Dieu3, Lam Son Bao Vi4, Duong Cong Thinh4, Nguyen Thanh Dat5, Tran Thi Chien6, Hoang Thi Thuy Trang7, On Thanh Hoang1, Thong Thien Sang8, Ho Hoang Vu8, Nguyen Thi Thanh Truc8
1 Binh Thanh District Medical Center
2 Branch of National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health in The Southern Vietnam
3 Dong Nai General Hospital
4 Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine
5 Children's Hospital 2
6 University Medical Center - Ho Chi Minh City
7 Hung Vuong Hospital
8 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh

Main Article Content


Background: Life expectancy is the primary measure to assess the health quality of the population. In general, many studies have been conducted to predict life expectancy in countries related to economics and other factors such as education, gender, education, and environment. However, research on population size affecting life expectancy was still rare.

Objectives: To determine the correlation between Vietnam's total population and life expectancy from 1950-2021.

Material and Methods: The study used secondary data from open source on the UN website. Data collected the total population, life expectancy, population growth rate, population density, and urban population in Vietnam from 1950 to 2021… Using the linear regression model to test the association between variables. Multivariate regression model selected univariate related factors with life expectancy (p<0.05) to consider the relevance in the same model.

Results: In the period 1950 – 1975, the data showed no linear correlation between characteristics such as total population, population density, population growth rate, urban population, and life expectancy. In 1976-2021, the multivariate model recorded a positive correlation between total population and life expectancy and an inverse correlation between population growth rate and life expectancy.

Conclusion: The total population and average life expectancy increased sharply from 1950 to 2021. To improve the average life expectancy when the population has stabilized, it is necessary to focus on developing options to control the population growth rate at an equilibrium level.

Article Details


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