Nguyen Thanh Nam1, Huynh Nha Tuan1
1 Tien Giang Provincial General Hospital

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Objectives: Describe the current status of drug preservation at the Pharmacy Department of Tien Giang Provincial General Hospital in 2022.

Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study

Results: 100% of staff have basic knowledge of medicine preservation and comply well with storage procedures. The warehouse area is still small compared to demand; there are still warehouses with an area of less than 30m2. The warehouses are fully equipped with air conditioners and ventilation fans, but the quality is poor; Most reach temperature (<300C). Humidity conditions are not met (>75%). The warehouses have enough essential areas for dispensing and preserving drugs. The warehouses ensure adequate lighting, employee protection, walkways, and emergency exits. Still, they must meet the requirements for emergency exits, warehouse floors, and distance between shelves. The warehouses have ventilation fans, air conditioners, thermometers - hygrometers, frames, fire protection, and hand washing areas. All warehouses have established operating procedures for drug preservation, drug dispensing procedures, warehouse cards for each type of drug to monitor, and books to monitor drug storage conditions.

Conclusions: Good drug storage ensures drug quality, increasing treatment capabilities and patients' trust in medical facilities.

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