Nguyen Tuan1, Luong Khanh Duy2
1 Nguyen Trai Hospital
2 University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh

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Background: Patient satisfaction specially maternal satisfaction is an important indicator in assing the effectiveness of maternity hospital quality management. Maturnal Satisfaction Survey is linked to follow-up treatment, which helps hospital managers to develop appropriate improvement plans to improve the patient’s trust in quality of service in hospitals.

Objectives: To dermine the maternal satisfaction rate on the quality of outpatient services in Tu Du maternity hospital, 2023. Methods: A cross-sectional study was quantitative on 200 maternals in Tu Du maternity hospital from April to May 2023.

Results: The general satisfaction rate of outpatient maternal under the SERVPERF method was 99,5%. The satisfaction rate on tangible means accounted for 99,5%; response capacity is 89%; sympathy accounted for 99,5%, confidence level is 100% and serving capacity made up for 98%. Some factors such as age group, current place of residence are related to satisfaction in terms of responsiveness and service capacity of pregnant women. General satisfaction, tangible means, responsiveness, empathy are late to their return.

Conclusion: The results of maternal satisfaction in this study are very good (99.5%) but the managers still need to continuously improve the quality of facilities and facilities to server better and better for mothers during medical examination. This result provides information for the hospital to plan to improve hospital quality and is the basis for future research.

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