Phi Vinh Bao1, Nguyen Huynh Thanh Thien2, Vo Chau Duyen2, Bui Manh Quynh2, Nguyen Hai Vien Hanh3, Hoang Van Trieu2, Le Thanh Chien1
1 Nguyen Tat Thanh University
2 Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital
3 Nguyễn Tri Phương Hospital

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Objective: Osteoporosis in fracture patients aged 50 years and older has not been properly evaluated and treated. The objective of the project is to determine the rate of osteoporosis and risk factors for osteoporosis in fracture patients aged 50 years and older at the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Nguyen Tri Phuong Hospital.

Subjects and methods: Research design: Cross-sectional - descriptive. 208 fracture patients aged 50 years and older involved in the study were measured spine and hip BMD using DXA technique and an investigation of risk factors were conducted. Diagnostic criteria of osteoporosis is T-score lowers than -2.5 at either of sites.

Results: The rate of osteoporosis in the study sample is 71.63%, male patients is 52.63%, female patients is 78.81%. The rate of osteoporosis in the lumbar spine is 61.06%, male patients is 45.61%, female patients is 66.89%. The rate of osteoporosis in the femoral neck is 62.02%, male patients is 36.84%, female patients is 71.52%. Bone density is lower in women, people aged 60 years or older, people who do not exercise, and people with a history of previous bone fractures. Bone density at the femoral neck is lower in women who have given birth to 3 or more children and have a parental history of femoral neck fracture. However, there is no association with bone density at CSTL. Bone density at the femoral neck is higher in patients who smoke and drink a lot of alcohol. However, because the research sample is dominated by women, it needs to be reconsidered. There is a positive correlation between bone density and BMI.

Conclusions: The overall rate of osteoporosis in the sample was high at > 70%, with women predominating. Attention should be paid to osteoporosis in patients with bone fractures aged 50 years and older, especially female patients with risk factors for osteoporosis.

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