Nguyen Duc Hue1, Nguyen Duc Minh2, Nguyen Diep Minh Ai2
1 Nguyen Tat Thanh University
2 Ho Chi Minh City Dental Hospital

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Research objective: To describe the result of management on number of dentists finished at the dental universities at HCM city and Viet Nam. To describe the result of management on distribution of dentists and comparition the ratio of dentist/population in HCM city and some areas of Viet Nam. To describe some related factores to the situation of education and distribution of dentist in HCM city.

Research Methods: According to the descriptive cross-sectional design, from February to October 2023. Sampling method: Following the convenient sampling with 12 managerments, chairments of dental clinice and all dentists working at the public and private clinics and hospitals in HCM city.

Results: HCM city has a total of 5 dental universitives to educate dentists. There were 2,219 dentists, most of which were working at the central Dists with 1,406 dentists (63.36%). The average rate of dentist/population of HCM city was: 1/3,998 people, to response for requirement of the World Health Organization: 1/5,000 people. However, the ratio of dentist/population in some regions were different. In central Dists, one dentist had to serve 2,069 people, at urban Dists, one dentist had to serve up to 11,590 people. Some related factores to the situation of education and distribution of dentist in Ho Chi Minh City due to: The dentist recruitments, payroll and income of dentists were very low. Dental clinics did not have enough modern equipment, types of treatment were not diversified, patients were crowded, and dental fees were low. There is competition and attraction dentists by dental private facilities.

Conclusion: Research results showed that HCM city had the advantage of having 5 dental universities and had many dentists, most of which work at private dental clinics. The ratio of dentist/population at HCM City responded to WHO requirements. Almost all dentists worked at central Dists. There is competition and attraction dentists by dental private facilities.

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