Nguyen Thi Nhu Quy1
1 Dai Nam University

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Aims: To evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding acne among students in Dai Nam University.

Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study conducted on 508 students at Dai Nam University. The study used a structured questionnaire consisting of 4 parts to understand demographic characteristics, acne status, and the current status of knowledge, attitudes, and practices about acne of students. After collecting data, it is exported to an Excel file, cleaned and analyzed using SPSS 25.0 software.

Results: The rate of acne among students at Dai Nam University is 49.8%. Regarding knowledge, of the 508 students participating in the study, 52.2% had a satisfactory level of knowledge about acne, and a higher proportion had a satisfactory attitude (67.9%), while only one third (33.5%) of students passing practice on acne.

Conclusion: The rate of students with good level of knowledge, attitude, and practices about acne is low. Measures for awareness campaigns and educational programs are needed to enhance students' understanding and guide proper acne skin care behavior.

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