Do Huy Hoang1, Phan Hoang Giang2, Trinh Tu Tam1, Le Van Thach1
1 Hong Ngoc - Phuc Truong Minh Hospital
2 Bach Mai Hospital

Main Article Content


Objective: This article aims to report 02 rare cases of chronic glossopharyngeal neuralgia (9th nerve),
treated by nerve block, thereby reviewing the literature.

Case report: 02 patients were both misdiagnosed as 5th neuralgia on magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI). However, the clinical symptoms are typical of 9th nerve pain. We used the 9th nerve block
technique for two patients, achieving good pain relief and no complications during and after the

Discussion: The discussion focuses on the definitive diagnosis, differential diagnosis and some
minimally invasive interventional treatments of 9th neuralgia, emphasizing the effectiveness of these
interventional methods.

Conclusion: Chronic 9th neuralgia is a very rare disease that can be treated with nerve block

Article Details


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