Hoang Dinh Canh1, Tran Hong Tram2, Cao Ba Loi1
1 National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology
2 National Institute for Control of Vaccines and Biologicals

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Objectives: The study was conducted on infertile women who had been examined and treated at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology to determine the genotypic characteristics of C. trachomatis isolated from them.

Methods: The study was designed using descriptive research method with laboratory experimental analysis

Results: Among 761 women examined and treated at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 119 women (15.6%) were found to be infected with C. trachomatis. Results of genotyping by sequencing of 81 cervical C. trachomatis samples showed 9 different genotypes identified, including: B/Ba, D/Da, E, F, G/Ga, H, I/Ia, J, and K, of which genotype E accounted for the highest proportion of 25.93%, followed by D/Da (22.23%), F (13.58%), G/Ga (12.35%), J (12.35%), H (6.17%), K (3.70%), B/Ba (2.47%), and I/Ia (1.23%). Genotypes B/Ba, D/Da, H, I/Ia, J and K consisted of 1 to 10 nucleotides which were different from the reference sequences, including 19 changed positions, of which 7 nucleotide changes led to amino acid substitution. Genotype H in the women with a history of miscarriage was significantly higher than that in the women without a history of miscarriage. The rate of genotype F in the primary infertile women was significantly higher than that in the secondary infertile group.

Conclusions: A total of nine serotypes were identified, and serotypes H and F are the key factors of female infertility.

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