Phi Thi Thu Ha1, Vu Thi Xuan Hoan2, Nguyen Thi Xuan2, Hoang Lan Huong2, Nguyen Van Linh2, Pham Thi Van2, Le Thu Thao3
1 Quang Ninh Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital
2 Vinmec Times City Hospital
3 National Hospital of Endocrinology

Main Article Content


Abstract: Medical incidents are unexpected situations that occur during the process of diagnosis, care, and treatment due to objective and subjective factors, not necessarily related to the patient's medical condition or health status.

Objective: To describe the situation report of medical incidents at the Quang Ninh Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital in 2023.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study of 490 medical incidents at Quang Ninh Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital from July 2022 to June 2023. Procedures: Information about the incidents, time, location, individuals involved, circumstances, impact level, informants/reporters, reporting format, method, and degree of injury (according to the incident reporting form issued with Circular 43/2018/TT-BYT).

Results: The highest reporting rates were in the nursing group (59.39%) and outpatient clinic area (27.35%). Voluntary reporting accounted for 35.51%, with 25.71% reported within 24 hours. Reporting methods included 19.18% via incident management software, websites. Patients accounted for 87.14% of incident victims, with 80.61% of incidents classified as impending. Causes of incidents were categorized 64.47%, with healthcare staff responsible for 54.55% of incidents.

Conclusion: The situation report of medical incidents reflects a variety of incident types, victims, and content. Incident report forms were more consistently completed, and incident analysis increased.

Article Details


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