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Objective: Evaluate the results of inguinal hernia treatment by laparoscopic surgery at Thai Binh and Nam Dinh Provincial General Hospital.
Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive study of 164 male patients with inguinal hernia undergoing laparoscopic surgery at Thai Binh and Nam Dinh Provincial General Hospital from June 2020 to September 2022. Data are divided into 2 Group: Group 1 (at Thai Binh Provincial General Hospital) received surgery using the TAPP method; Group 2 (at Nam Dinh General Hospital) had surgery using the TEP method. Record parameters of surgery time, postoperative complications, hospital stay, treatment results, and recovery time.
Results: The average surgical time of the TEP and TAPP methods was 65.2±13.0 minutes and 62.6±13.1 minutes. The postoperative complication rate of the TEP method is 24.5% and the TAPP method is 4.3%. The average postoperative hospital stay for the TEP method is 5.7±1.8 days and the TAPP method is 5.3±1.3 days. Good results at hospital discharge of the TEP method are 75.4%; TAPP is 85.3%. The average time to return to work after surgery for the two methods TEP and TAPP is 18.6 ± 8.3 days and 28.2 ± 15.2 days. The results after 1 month of re-examination of the two methods are equivalent.
Conclusion: Treatment of inguinal hernia by laparoscopic surgery gives good results and there is no difference in surgery time as well as results between the two methods TEP and TAPP.
Article Details
Inguinal hernia, laparoscopic surgery, TEP, TAPP
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