Nguyen Quang An1, Nguyen Huy Ngoc2,3, Hoang Quoc Viet4
1 Phu Tho Medical College
2 Phu Tho Department of Health
3 University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Vietnam National University, Ha Noi
4 Phu Tho Province General Hospital

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Tóm tắt

Objectives: Assessment of Family Members' Knowledge of Risk Factors and Warning Signs of Stroke at the Stroke Center, Phu Tho General Hospital (2024).

Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive  study.

Results: The study conducted on 196 family members of patients at the Stroke Center, Phu Tho General Hospital, revealed that their knowledge of the risk factors for stroke varied. Hypertension (92.3%) was the most commonly recognized risk factor. Other risk factors, such as smoking (62.7%) and lack of physical activity (63.8%), were less well-known. Weakness, paralysis of one side of the body, and dysphasia were the most recognized warning signs of stroke, with 94.9% and 91.3% awareness rates, respectively. Analysis of the correlation between knowledge of stroke risk factors showed that individuals aged ≤ 50 had a 5.53 times higher level of knowledge than those > 50 years old. Those with a profession had a 3.16 times higher level of knowledge than the unemployed, and residents of Viet Tri City had a 1.84 times higher level of knowledge compared to those living elsewhere, differences were statistically significant with p<0.05. Regarding knowledge of stroke warning signs, individuals aged ≤ 50 had 11.68 times better knowledge than those > 50 years old, and residents of Viet Tri City had 2.44 times better knowledge compared to those living elsewhere (p<0.05).

Conclusion: Knowledge about stroke risk factors and warning signs varies among family members of patients. The associated demographic characteristics include age ≤ 50 and residence in Viet Tri City.

Chi tiết bài viết

Tài liệu tham khảo

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[3] Ministry of Health (2015), General Report on the Healthcare Sector in 2014: Strengthening Control and Prevention of Non-communicable Diseases, Medical Publishing House, Hanoi.
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